....For real. A MILF.
I'm no dummy, I know guys don't pass me on the street while I'm walking with my son and think, "Daaay-um! She's a hot mom!" I mean, I don't blame them (Although, my fiance's opinion is the only one that truly matters to me, it would be nice to get a stare or two again... I mean, I used to be attractive). I don't do my hair, I don't wear makeup, I usually have snot on my sleeve from wiping my son's nose when a tissue just isn't close enough, I rarely wear jeans and I live in yoga pants and hoodies.... I could go on and on. I'll spare you.
I don't do New Year's resolutions. They never stick. Instead, I'm just going to set goals for myself. Sure, sounds like the same thing, but the fact that it's not the "R-Word" makes me feel better about it. I feel like I have more of a chance of keeping up with my goals. Well, my goals are as follows:
1. Eat healthy. And continue to eat healthy!
2. Exercise. Lots of exercise. Real, 5-6 times a week, exercise.
3. Run. I am registered for a 5 mile run in May 2012. I haven't run since grade school. I bought new sneaks for this one.
4. Be more organized.
I feel like I have a million, but these are the biggies. The organization is last for a reason. I feel like once the rest of my life is in line, the organization will follow.
Almost 60 days ago I started the BeachBody Power90 challenge. AMAZING! I kept with it hardcore for the first 30 days and lost 10 inches off of my body and about 7 pounds. From day 30 to day 60 hasn't been so awesome because I haven't been doing my workouts. I am started anew tomorrow. I only have 30 days until the challenge is finito. YIKES!
If you were to ask me why I stopped if I had such great results after only 30 days, I could give you a laundry list of excuses.... all really coming down to one thing: I GOT LAZY! And I hate it.
So, here I am. Starting a blog to document my journey. Hopefully someone will stumble across it one day and think, "Hey, I can do that!" and join me in a healthy lifestyle. My journey starts now... with a good night's sleep to rest up for my fresh start tomorrow.
Until then.... <3
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